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Wide selection


Indoor farmers don’t have to pray for rain or sunshine

Farming of the future

Whoever says growing without daylight is impossible is short-sighted.

9.7 billion people

By 2050 Mother Earth will have 9.8 billion mouths to feed. There is not enough land available to provide this.

Vertical farming

Turning your indoor farm by just 90 degrees makes sure more crops can be grown on the same amount of square meters.

Let’s stay in

Indoor farming will make it possible to increase global food production by 70% in the next 30 years.

Think ahead

We have many products that can make your indoor farm a success, but to make it even better we also offer turn key solutions.

Indoor farming applications

Discover the applications of our indoor farming

lights in different projects

Growtainer truck
GrowtainerIndoor farmingPFL-mPFL-sPFL-WCIII


Container farming is a form of indoor farming and refers to cultivation of products in a container. The Growtainer is capable of growing all kinds of crops such as strawberries, herbs and lettuce.
Strawberry Climate Chamber
Strawberry Climate Chamber
Strawberry Climate ChamberIndoor farmingPFL-WCIII

Strawberry Climate Chamber

At De Ruwenberg a strawberry climate chamber managed to grow over 120 kilograms of strawberries per square meter with the help of our PFL-WCIII linear LED lights.
Plant Factory System
Plant Factory System
Plant Factory SystemIndoor farmingPFL-sPFL-WCIII

Plant Factory System

Container farming is a form of indoor farming and refers to cultivation of products in a container. Our Plant Factory System is capable of growing all kinds of crops such as strawberries, herbs and lettuce.
Indoor farming lighting series

Light series that are used for indoor farming installations


Double sided high power linear LED fixtures with optional water cooling, perfect for vertical growing systems.

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Linear LED lighting with high output up to 4 umol/j, adequate for cultivation with small layers or to build in furniture.

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This is our most used solution for growing layers up to 70 cm and 400 umol, applicable for trolleys and other growing systems.

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Our strongest linear with optional water cooling. Suitable for high-end installations and goes up to 960 umol PPF per fixture.

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It is the smallest lamp in our collection and it’s ideal for low applications such as cuttings and tissue culture.

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For a light plan
customized for your
business requirements